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James Chui Client Testimonials

Ian - Imported Car Dealer Owner

I have known James for almost a decade. From the day I first met him when he stepped into my premise to buy a vehicle from me till today, he is someone I am genuinely grateful to have met. He is the consummate professional- All you can ever ask for in an Financial Consultant . He will give the best advice according to your needs and will patiently answer your questions even if they were stupid ones. And when I needed help with a claim, he went out of his way to assist me for which I will always be appreciative. I trust James with all my financial planning needs and to me he is more than just my Financial Consultant I consider him as my friend.


Nelson - Regional Director of International Company Dealing in Consumer Knowledge


I have known James since 2003  through a friend when I just started working. I am very blessed to have him not only as my financial planner but an honest and true confident. Though we seldom see each other, we have established a strong relationship. He listens not only with his ears but also with his heart, presence and mind - and this gives me trust that my needs and agenda are well taken care of. 

It's very important for me to have a 'Go To' person, for instance, in cases of hospitalization and accidents etc. James never shies away. In fact, he is the first to reach out; making him not only an accommodating individual but one who cares for me as an individual. 

He is not pushy and often checks in and keeps me up to speed on the type of investment I ought to be considering as well. Compared to  others, I would say that James is definitely one of the most hardworking; if not, THE MOST HARDWORKING and committed individual when it comes to his work and his clients. You know it when a person is passionate about what he does and James definitely shows this. 

I've recommended a few friends to James for insurance and investments and I wouldn't hesitate to continue doing so. A great guy with a heart of gold and more importantly a conscientious friend.

Mr. Sasi - Businessman (Pharmaceutical Product)

mr sasi.jpg

James is my financial consultant, I met him back in 2007, until now 2020, he was so committed to his career, he has been a very good friend and always be in touch with me on helping to understand the importance of health and financial freedom to me and my loved ones, personally if insurance its only James. He has a very good knowledge about his products and he knows which suits me and my family members, his service is excellent, he really has passion for people’s needs and he will be there to service at whatever time. I have referred many friends and family to him and will continue to do so. As a whole, James is an asset to the company and to me and my family, thank you very much James to be part of our family.

Edward - Dept Head IT (Oil & Gas company)


I believe it is almost a decade or more that I have known James. By chance, he was referred to me by my brother after I complained that most financial  consultant are the same; great service before signing and medicore thereafter. After hearing feedbacks from my brother about James, I met him and during the initial engagement, I could see he is really knowledgeable and passionate about his job. I'm convinced that he might be different. I took the plunge and switched agent and transferred my Prudential policy to him. That was 10+ years ago. Over the years, James is an excellent financial consultant  that constantly give me his genuine advice and recommendations on my wealth planning and assurance policies. My money worked harder for me and my policies rewarded me with coverage that I am comfortable with. James was never pushy and always staying true to his beliefs and professionalism to serve. Till today, I still kept the Pru Medical card with his contact sticker on my wallet even though I know he is just a phone call away. I guess, that's the amount of confidence and assurance I have in him. And because of such trust, when the time comes for my policy upgrade, I know he is the best person to consult and rely on. He is a great financial consultant and more an authentic and trustworthy friend.

Karen - Director of CIMA


Dear James
Thank you for your help and support since 12 years ago when we discussed about my insurance requirements and needs. When I fell ill with cancer 5 years ago, you amazingly managed to get my reports submitted and claims paid within 2 weeks.  That really helped me in terms of my financial commitment and medical fees. You also handled my children and husband's claims very efficiently. You are always very professional and keep me up-to-date with my family's insurance needs.

I would highly recommend you as an financial consultant professional.  

Thank you.  
Best regards

Puan Sri Fifi 

Keyboard and Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse

Nama saya Yuviana...
James selalu panggil Kak Fifi..
Saya kenal James kira-kira 15 tahun yang lalu, dari dia bujang sehinggalah sudah berkeluarga.
Macam-macam Insurance sudah keluarga saya beli dari James & saya berpuas hati di atas penjelasan yang di berikan sebelum saya membeli Insurance. Sepanjang saya mengenali James, tidak pernah sekalipun saya kecewa atau terkilan di atas layanan beliau. Kepercayaan saya terhadap James adalah 100 peratus, tidak ragu-ragu, sehingga dengan senang hati saya perkenalkan James kepada saudara mara dan sahabat-sahabat saya. Ada diantara mereka juga menjadi client James sehingga sekarang. 
Dalam masa perkenalan kami, saya dan anak-anak ada beberapa kali sudah admitted di Hospital. James dengan kadar segera terus menguruskan tuntutan Insurance & akan datang melawat kami di Hospital. Sungguh puas hati & saya merasa terharu dengan layanan mesra yang di berikan.Begitu juga dengan road tax & Insurance 4 kereta kami.Saya sendiri tidak berapa ingat bila road tax & Insurance kereta saya tamat tempoh, sebab sudah bertahun tahun James yang menguruskan & saya hanya perlu membayar sejumlah uang yang perlu, kemudian semua sampai di depan pintu rumah saya..Untungnya saya mengenali James..
Terima kasih James kerana memudahkan urusan saya sekeluarga.

Miew Ling - Purchaser

在2017经朋友介绍,我认识了Prudential Insurance的James Chui.真的很感谢James,感谢他plan了一个即经济又可以保障到我和我家人的保单。2018我被诊断出乳癌。在这次的事件里,James帮了我很多。他一直往医院里跑,向医生了解病情。很快的帮我claim到了一笔赔偿金和住院陪索金.让我在最短的时间里可以接受治疗和减轻金钱上的烦恼, 安心休养。保险真的很重要,但买保险也要遇到一个有责任感的 agent,James Chui ,you are the best.如果您正在寻找值得信赖的优质服务保险代理人,我会强烈推荐James.


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